We all know that Sales are held to make you buy things you didn’t know you wanted and probably don’t. But find me someone who can resist a Sale which includes items with amazing prices?
If you’re one of the aware, you’ve probably noticed that many stores, or even market stalls, raise their prices before a Sale. When you see the item at the marked-up price and then see it in the Sale you know it’s a bargain! Or is it?!
You’ll often see a 70% discount Sale in an ad or a shop window and it’s usually for just one item, which they don’t tell you. In reality, prices is a sale are usually cut by no more than 10%.
We all know manufacturers use different sizing! You’ll be a small in one store/brand name and yet can’t even squash yourself into a medium in an identical item by another manufacturer.
Bra manufacturers are the biggest culprits for not producing standard sizing. You may wear a 34B in one brand and a 36A in another brand. These are bras for goodness sake! A 34B is a 34B. Well, it certainly should be …
Be aware! Some of the bigger, better-known brands may create designer clothing specifically for a sale and then market it to make customers think they’re paying for exclusivity! Everything is the same (including quality) but what you’re supposed to get is a ‘limited edition’. It’s not the exclusivity you want and doesn’t belong in a Sale!
The first time I walked into a Zara store to check out the Sale I was almost horrified by the Chaos.
It was something I got over pretty quickly because rummaging through a huge pile of clothing was so liberating! No neatly folded items to worry about, nothing tidily stowed on shelves … just clothes … everywhere!
And then of course, there’s the joy of the find, paying at the cash desk and sashaying out of the store knowing you’re one of the world’s great shoppers!
Just because something is labelled “100% natural,” doesn’t mean it is! Nearly all clothing manufacturers use chemicals for:
□ Colour and texture
□ Insect protection
□ Mould protection
□ Rat protection!
When you’re advised to wash new clothes … there’s a reason!
There is more to come for this little post … about natural and synthetic fabrics and the truth about Designer Outlets (especially the Sale) …
AND, if, as a result of Sale shopping you decide you want to lose weight, even if you’ve waved bye-bye to menopause, try my new weight loss option … it’s the no diet way to get rid of your belly and the other bibs and bobs. Want more information? Just let us know …
So look out for the next article about fabrics … fascinating stuff!