66 and still having hot sweats … menopause!

I’m going to start by saying sweats, flushes, flashes, whatever you want to call these side-effects of menopause can last through to your 80s. You didn’t want to hear that, but it’s true. At 73 I still have hot flushes and they’re almost as bad now as back in my 50s.

Why? Menopause just doesn’t know when to quit. When I hear men talking about Male Menopause (note the capitalisation!) I want to scream. They obviously don’t know or don’t understand or haven’t bothered to find out what the actual word MENOPAUSE means … they don’t have dictionaries or even ask Google …

Fortunately, most of these symptoms/conditions will not be experienced by the average woman. In fact, 20% of women (the lucky few), will experience no side effects at all. They’re what is considered to be normal!