Figure Shaping: Bra Fitting Secrets
Badly fitting bras are a problem for posture, self-confidence and a sexy silhouette. Isn’t it time you did something about getting a bra fitting?
Badly fitting bras are a problem for posture, self-confidence and a sexy silhouette. Isn’t it time you did something about getting a bra fitting?
I can only speak for myself but this aging business has given me what is called very mature dry skin … thanks a lot! I am constantly trying new moisturisers that will provide adequate hydration and thought I would share those I have found to be of real benefit in my quest for younger-looking, and certainly less crepe-like, skin.
Highlights for grey hair (or lowlights, or foils, or balayage or ombré or other colour changes), are your grey hair’s best friend. If you’re not thrilled about your grey locks, start exploring your options.
Most women love bags! Handbags, purses, tote bags, bum bags, make-up bags, any type of bag, by any name and for any use. But this is about handbags and things that go with and in them.
One of the most popular words used in almost every alternative health discipline is mindfulness. It seems to have replaced awareness which is probably thought to be old-fashioned. I suppose it is!
“I’m on a diet” you say, and there you are, suddenly faced with every diet myth in existence! “Don’t eat after 6 p.m.” “Drink lots of water.” “Eat six small meals a day” “Only eat three times a day.” “Drink shakes”. “Fast”. What does all this information do? It helps us believe that we are finding a weight loss quick fix, and the truth is there is NO quick fix.
If you are one of those people who think a Visions Board is woo-woo perhaps you should think again. Why? Because they not only work, they work well.
Me First: put yourself at the top of your to-do-list One of the things I’ve struggled with, and I’m sure you have too, is putting myself on the top of my to-do-list and adopting the Me First attitude. I’ve always been the caregiver, the one who volunteered for everything no matter what else was expected of me.…
I don’t normally write about business, but this is about business and change and letting go …
It’s time we saw midlife women for exactly what they are … agents of change. If we don’t we should because, being honest, we have wit, wisdom, experience and acres of common sense. As well, we have the skills to change the world.