Face Masks: Hydrating and Anti-Ageing
The only face masks we’ve been talking about for the past year or so are those that provide protection from viruses and other nasties.
The only face masks we’ve been talking about for the past year or so are those that provide protection from viruses and other nasties.
There have been a couple of occasions in my life when I have been what I consider to be fat and have gone on a Did-I-Eat-That? diet. The three diets I have included here are, in my opinion, amongst the best.
You’d be forgiven if you thought we’re gradually working our through the alphabet in our search for all-in-one skin care and/or foundation to make us look better and feel better about the way we look.
We hear so much about dressing your age and dressing age appropriately, often from people who look 12, you really have to wonder who made the decision that women over 50 (and then some), must follow silly ‘rules’? Why? Are we really unable to make our own decisions about how we look? Have we lost our Mojo?
I was blessed with a mother who could take a scarf and a couple of cheap bangles and turn an inexpensive outfit into a fashion statement. It was a knack she acquired watching her aunties; women from the twenties! It’s a knack that has been handed down; in my family, we are all women who love our accessories.
I’ve just finished reading an article about society’s extraordinary, generous and open acceptance of Women of a Certain Age. Baby Boomer women. Half-way through the reading, I began to wonder where in the Universe the writer of this piece of rubbish was living … certainly not this one.
If you can’t remember when you last cleaned your makeup brushes and sponges, then now might be a good time to give them a bit of a spring clean.
How often have you heard Less is More when it comes to makeup? Especially when talking about women who are no longer in the first, or even second flush of youth. We hear it all the time, but we never think it applies to us! No-no no no … But we certainly know when somebody else is wearing too much make-up!
Some of you already know, and some of you have forgotten, but I bet that in your teenage-hood you decided that by the time you reached 40 life would be over and so would your interest in fashion and style. But you’re probably still wearing jeans so you’re hanging in there!
Our hands say a lot about our age. Look at the gorgeous women over 70 we all admire so much (Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren, Julies Andrews, Maggie Smith …) all well over 70 and with not so great hands any more! It happens to us all … we suddenly notice we have age spots and /or are showing signs of arthritis.