Sleep; Top 10 Tips for Getting Some

As we grow older we seem to require less sleep; we think so and everyone else does too! Is it true or is it yet another Urban Myth? Amongst researchers and the medical fraternity, the general consensus seems to be that we do not require less sleep, but are no longer able to have loooong sleep-filled nights … the good old 8 hours straight is a thing of the past.

FRUSTRATION: One of the Great Mood Swing Guarantors

Right now, as we all face another few weeks of being locked in, it seems the greatest scream of anguish is caused by frustration … the frustration of empty shelves at the supermarket, the frustration of the existence of profiteers, of not being able to go to work, of having to fend off profiteers or of being ripped off by them, of not being able to go where you want to go or just get in the car and take a drive. The frustration of being in the house day after day after day after day.

Defying Gravity in your Mid-life Transformation

Creating a mid-life style transformation is always a plus, but in order to make it a truly positive experience, you must understand the importance of good underwear and especially shapewear. Whether you’ve been there and done that or are just starting out, your underwear (particularly your bra) becomes especially important as you enter perimenopause and way beyond.