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5 Things Every Woman over 60 should quit

If you’re over 60, you probably know all this that’s written here; if you’re nowhere near 60, ditto! Whether you believe it, or apply it is another matter, but it’s key to remember … to quit can be as hard as to start.

Nobody likes a quitter … there are times when it’s not just OK, it’s necessary. These are the times when your gut is screaming NO, don’t do it but you feel you have to carry on to please somebody somewhere. Which means the first item on this list is …

Quit being a people pleaser

Unless you’re pleasing yourself. There is a time in everybody’s life when living within the expectations of others and ignoring all those things you want, in favour of fulfilling their needs and wants just has to stop. This is your life; not theirs. If you don’t want pizza for dinner, don’t have pizza for dinner! You’re not being selfish or inconsiderate, you’re just being you, which may come as a shock to those around you.


Cease and desist living in the past

It’s futile. It’s a waste of time and energy and causes stress.

□ You can’t press rewind.
□ There is nothing you can do to change it.
□ Constantly rehashing it raises your blood pressure, your cortisol levels and heart rate.
□ You can build a bridge and get over it
□ You can find someone who can help you defuse the emotion around the event.
□ You can just decide to quit and move on!!

Quit putting yourself down

Back to low self-esteem again; it’s frightening to see how many little girls and young girls feel they’re not good enough.

Think of some of the things you say to yourself as a 60+ or a woman of any age:

I can’t wear that, I’m too fat …
I’m too old …
I’m not smart enough …
I don’t have my own home …
I don’t have a degree …
I don’t have the financial support of a husband …
I left my brain in its jar this morning …

Truly, I am tired of hearing women put themselves down. From the cradle to the grave. Get a grip girls!

This should perhaps be the #1 thing you should quit. What do you think?

Stop fearing change

Change is good … very good; it’s part of you becoming you. If you’re a woman who will never see 50 again (or 60, or 70, or …) you have already experienced so much change along the way You should be getting used to it by now.

This is an article extolling the virtues of becoming an Agent of Change It’s good!

As a woman 60+, do you ever wonder why you are so loathe to change? Change anything; from your hair style to the type of shoes you wear.

There are changes you will consider or even start which just don’t gel; don’t force it. Because if it’s right and is meant to be it will flow. We have all been in situations in which it’s all just too hard. Quitting doesn’t mean we are a failure or don’t have the stamina, it’s because it isn’t supposed to happen.


You may share this horror with me. I am guilty of over-thinking everything; and then I quit. “How” I hear you think. Cold Turkey … every time my brain started racing (and it was constant!) with unimportant, inconsequential and even stupid thoughts, I would say “If …….. happens the world won’t stop turning. Or If I forget ……. the world won’t stop turning. In fact, nothing happened. Nobody fell off the planet, the world continued spinning around.

I began applying it to everything and after a little time, it worked! I also included a little It is what it is. It’s all very simple (some may think it too simple), but I found it a great way to begin the quitting.

I have gone back to meditating and I use You should try it … listening to Matthew McConaughey reading a bedtime story is very soporific …

All of this overthinking is our brain trying to control our body and our life … you know, the one you left in its jar this morning … because that’s what it thinks you want …

Understanding that all this applies not just to ourselves and our personal lifestyle, but also to our business or work (and many of us still run businesses and/or work), is essential to our continued success. I believe this so strongly I actually wrote an article on the topic … and here it is

What other things would you add to this list?

Do you over think everything or have you learned to say It is what it is?

Do you want your brain to control your life (it’s certainly easier!) or would you rather control your brain?

We would love to hear what you think. Especially the last question!

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