Health & Lifestyle Identity & Self-help

Me First: put yourself at the top of your to-do-list

One of the things I’ve struggled with, and I’m sure you have too, is putting myself on the top of my to-do-list and adopting the Me First attitude.

I’ve always been the caregiver, the one who volunteered for everything no matter what else was expected of me.

I felt guilty when I thought about getting my hair done or a manicure, or taking a weekend or even a day off.

It was always very uncomfortable and besides how would everyone get along without me? Even more importantly, how could I turn things around and make it about Me First?!

There were times too when the organisation that was necessary in order to be able to take time out was so great, it really wasn’t worth it … yet another example of failing to grab the concept of Me First

Are you nodding your head in agreement yet?!

Give yourself permission to be a Me First person!

One of my biggest lessons is that taking care of myself must be at the top of my list … I like to see myself as a permanently over-flowing glass of water, and so should you.

“Give to yourself constantly so you can give to others endlessly”. Focussing on those things that raise energy and patience levels, make all of us more interesting and much happier and yes, that includes you.

It’s the realisation of the importance of changing your focus that is key. In truth, this is all about changing you Attitude.

Don’t allow your physical and spiritual and mental energy to become depleted

If my physical, emotional and spiritual energy levels are depleted, I am physically exhausted, grumpy, resentful, non-productive and closed … you know what I’m talking about.

Why is it so easy to fall back into the pattern of being overworked, overwhelmed and taking care of everyone else before changing focus? Before I let myself switch to it being about Me First? It’s a lifelong routine most of us have followed … and it’s become a habit!

Break the habit!

Allowing myself time to exercise, to breathe deeply during the day and shut the work off at night, I am a much better person. It involves a serious change in my attitude to me …

Focussing on my own needs is not selfish at all, but the height of generosity to myself and, most especially, to others. Valuing who I am and the immense gifts I have to share gives me a good reason to live the life that I want, not what others want for me.

Is it not time you allowed yourself to take care of your mind, body and spirit so that you will be vibrant and successful. Throw off any ideas that you have about being selfish if you make yourself #1 for a change, knowing that a healthier, happier you will make those around you happy, too.

Lessons I learned from Me First

□ Banish the idea of being indispensable
□ Learn to say no
□ Prioritise
□ Remember your why
□ Be consistent
□ Abandon your expectations

We’d love to know if you have difficulty with Me First?

Do you sometimes feel resentful of whatever demands your time? What would you like to change? How would you like to change it?

Add your thoughts as a comment here or continue the conversation with me on Facebook.

Things for ME First

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  1. Cindy says:

    It is difficult. As I read the article I was thinking “but I like cleaning the house, being in a tidy environment helps me think straight”. But I also thought “I should be doing something more inspiring”. So I hired a cleaner for a few hours and decided to do that when I can/need to and then go for a long walk in the Perth WA hills. Thanks

    1. Penelope Whiteley says:

      Cindy I understand! I know how good it can feel when the house is looking spick and span and if you enjoy doing it … why not?! What would be good of course, is for you to do something (a class perhaps?) completely out of character. It may not be possible in your current surroundings, but even something online that makes you excited and gets you out of your comfort zone! Ciao, Penelope

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