Health & Lifestyle Identity & Self-help

Developing your self-belief

Your self-belief is one of your greatest assets, whether in business or home life or relationships, or anything in your world.

Self-belief is the way you feel about yourself regardless of your achievements and anything else you feel confident about.If you have a struggle believing in yourself, and especially if you’re a 55Plus woman, it’s time to find the reasons why and change the status quo.

Why is Self-belief one of your greatest assets

It’s a fact, and you’ve probably noticed it throughout your life, that once you start believing you CAN you really can!

You can tell yourself you have no skills and that you’ve never been successful before so why would you now? But, when you stop saying (to yourself and everyone around you) I can’t do that and allow your belief in self to take over, your energy increases and you DO … anything!

How Can You strengthen your self-belief?

#1 Be Realistic

One of the major dangers of believing in yourself too much is overthinking and overworking. We lose our ability to use our common sen

because if we overload ourselves we can’t do what we plan and our newly acquired self-belief plummets; you need to be realistic.

Having giant goals which are planned to take 12 months or longer is too much. They need to be broken down into bite-size pieces. Chunking down is the order of the day.

I have attached the Daily Plan I use which really forces a move from idealism to being realistic! This daily plan, besides providing daily goals, works into weekly and monthly plans and goals all of which are aimed at the ultimate goal. Why not create your own? Or use a To-Do List book …

One of my huge lessons in life is to stop trying to be all things to all people and saying I’ll accomplish X Y Z when I can only manage X

Celebrate your Wins

When you achieve a goal you must celebrate! Small, large, any size, a goal achieved is meant to be acknowledged and celebrated. It’s an achievement, which means you got out of your own way long enough to exercise your self-belief.

Similarly, when you consciously decide to pursue a passion (or passions), you must celebrate the decision to do so. It doesn’t matter if it’s a passion that provides mild enjoyment or is something that thrills you.

Celebrating and acknowledging boosts your self-belief.

If your lack of self-belief is too great, you will find this very difficult, but why deprive others of your expertise and wisdom and ability?

Don’t be selfish, put yourself out there

Sharing things you’re passionate about increases your self-belief because you’re good at them … and you know it! Helping others gives you a stronger self-belief when you know what you’re doing and are confident in your skills ….

Always speak up

If you’re not clear or if you’re unsure of anything.

Clarification will always make you feel more confident and you’re less likely to make mistakes that can lower your self-belief

Self-Care and your self-belief

I suppose this should really be at the top of the list because nothing is more important than taking care of yourself and self-care is the best way to acknowledge your importance. Not just to you, but to those around you as well.

Set boundaries with people and be sure to maintain them.

Look after your body’s needs.

Make a focused effort to meet your mental and spiritual needs, whether it’s by continuously learning or knowing when to take a break.

Surround yourself with people who support and love you.


This may sound nonsensical when you consider the beginning of this article where I’m advocating how you should be realistic. BUT, you really have to start dreaming again (if you’ve stopped) and if you want more, for goodness sake, chase it … hard!

So said James Dean …

As Bette Davis said, “Let’s not reach for the moon; we already have the stars” (Now Voyager). In other words, it really doesn’t matter if you are successful in everything you do … or not. The higher you reach the more likely you are to succeed.

Just keep the momentum going …

What others have to say, and it’s usually a lot, is a type of white noise in clearing a space for you to focus on self. It’s like everything, if you don’t nurture your self-belief, who will?

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