Health & Lifestyle Identity & Self-help JOY

Happy, happy, happy. Until you’re not!

Last week, a lovely lady (who shall remain nameless), asked me how I am able to be so happy all the time. I’m not! I’ve learned to keep the not-so-good to myself because it seems to upset others more than me. I know … really?!

Happiness is subjective. We all know that. There are days you wake up and feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Those are often the days when you wake up feeling an acute loss of something ..

We would be less than human if we didn’t have those days. Instead of moaning about them, why not rejoice? Be joyful that this is your day to let loose; it’s not something we do very often and crying, screaming, feeling sorry for yourself is GOOD for you.

Being Happy is not compulsory, but it will make your life and everybody else’s life better because it’s a calmer and more joyful place to be.

Becoming Happy

Start your day with a Thank you.

When you wake, before you open your eyes, smile, say thank you, open your eyes and look at something beautiful.

This is an incredibly simple way of starting your day with a good dose of joy that will set you up for a great day.


It’s true that people who practice gratitude experience less stress and depression, are more optimistic and more content. They’re happier! Their happy leads to joy readily.

Growing an attitude of gratitude requires focus and commitment, plus a willingness to spend time on this important lifestyle change.

Read The Magic … it’s by Rhonda Byrne who introduced us all to the Law of Attraction. It has made, and continues to make, the most extraordinary difference in my life and the lives of people I send, give or recommend it to …

The Magic book cover your attitude to Gratitude and change your life.

Start your own Gratitude Journal

If you suffer from blank page syndrome never fear … I have just finished an article called I Hate Writing … could be for you!

Whatever you do, remember small steps will get you there and it will make you feel very happy!

If you’re really really badly stuck in your life (right now), try a Journal prompt to get you started … there are several to choose from … just pick whichever you like best and begin.

This is a list of just 5 prompts you can use when you’re in the process of looking for you …

□ What’s the first thing you turn to when you feel sad? Is it a healthy thing?
□ What are ten things you’re grateful for?
□ Who’s approval do you want the most, and why?
□ What hobbies did you have as a child that you dropped? Why did you drop them?
□ You’re at your happiest when you’re . . .

The idea is to write one of these on a blank page and just see what happens. Because they are all questions you’ll feel compelled to answer them! When you find yourself, you find your happiness and your joy. Writing can help you. Simple really.

Be True to Yourself … Be You

When we try to act like someone we’re not (and yes we all do it at some time in our lives!), we’ll never be happy because there will always be something missing.

By being true to who you are and your values, you will make better decisions for yourself. Just be you …

Be open-minded

Who remembers A mind like a steel trap; permanently closed?! If that describes you it’s time to prise it open and leave it open. You were probably always taught to close doors … not this one honey …

Being open-minded opens you to so much more than the expectations of others. It opens your life and you can become truly happy …

Don’t be afraid to fail

Be happy when it happens. It means you’re making progress … in something.

Be curious

The only people who aren’t curious are usually dead. You’re definitely not, so return to the days of your childhood, ask questions and find out about everything that makes you happy.

Travel can make you very happy.

I know the action of just packing a bag has me dancing with delight! My suggestion is always, if you have the chance to go somewhere, GO! It doesn’t matter where or when or with whom or even solo. There’s something about going that makes your heart sing.

These little points aren’t even the tip of the iceberg. It’s happiness and joy you’re looking for and the best way to find it is to simply let go. Step outside the box … get rid of the box … find your Happy mojo and if you find it difficult, teach yourself to be happy.

Give yourself a Happy Heart …

Happy Heart - literally smell of Happy …

Let common sense rise to the surface and check out: 5 Ways to become happier which contains more suggestions …

Read 25 Ways to a Happier, Healthier You … written some time ago and recently updated to include the latest research … it speaks truth … true truth …

What do you do to make yourself feel happy? Do you have certain go-tos that always make you smile? How do you banish the blues?

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