Identity & Self-help

A menopause Changeling

This is taken from a chapter in “Hot Stuff” and has been reworked a tad. Personally, I find calling myself a changeling is much nicer than being a menopausal woman …

This article is about my path and what happened to me physically. It’s no different from what happens to many of us so enjoy and relate where you can

Let us begin!

There I was, coasting along, minding my own business when the Bad Fairy came into my life … I was only 56 when she flew in to wreak havoc on my poor little body. Yes. The Changeling had arrived

What happened dear readers?!

My body changed shape with frightening speed. My face did too and as for my hair … it became thicker (which I really didn’t need), changed texture (a definite no-no), and lost its curl/wave. It looked vaguely reminiscent of a toilet brush and belonged on someone else’s head … definitely well into Changeling territory.

The Bad Fairy, with malice aforethought, was responsible for my thighs, my thick waist, my less-than-perfect skin, my sudden need for glasses and my dress/style challenges – which were legion!

The Physical Changes that turned me into a Changeling

An elephant crept into my bedroom one night and sat on my face.

Suddenly I could stand naked in front of a mirror and see my bottom without turning around.

My upper arms disappeared and were replaced by bat wings

Colours I’d worn all my life made me look as though I had just been dug up. My skin tone changed. My features started disappearing; I began to look like a piece of chewed chewing gum.

But wait … there was some good news.

If you’re already heading down that rocky road to being a Changeling, you’ll be thrilled to know the growth of body hair; legs, underarms etc. almost stopped, which gave me plenty of time to care for the newly acquired moustache and beard.

It was hard to remember what it was like to be me: My comfort came from many other women who had suffered, or were suffering, the same sea change. I wasn’t alone.

The Onset of invisibility

I remember a friend of mine telling me she became invisible when she turned 50. “What rubbish!” I said. WRONG!! I became so invisible even Market Research people ignored me (I didn’t think it possible!)

At pedestrian crossings drivers were determined to mow me down because they just didn’t see me, and as for trying to buy a coffee – huh!

Will this happen to you? Have you become a Changeling or are you en route?

DWS (Disappearing Woman Syndrome) is quite common. Do we disappear because we are no longer capable of reproduction and therefore of no use to society? I know … heavy!

The HUGE plus in becoming a Changeling

The most exciting thing during this time, while reaching the midlife realisation that I was possibly not as gorgeous to the average person as I once was, I discovered myself.

I was quite relieved because I had been wondering where I had gone for quite some time.

Having reached this glorious mind-blowing and very very cool time to take to the wing and secure my FREEDOM, I was thrilled I was no longer hampered by external demands.

Somehow, I feel when we can populate the world with Changelings, we can practice self-care, and finally be the person we were always meant to be, we’re in a position to take control. Of whatever we want to control!

Do you agree? Are you ready to take control of yourself? Do you experience similar physical changes on the Changeling path? Are you practising enough self-care? Do you feel you’re moving forward or do you feel stuck?

Let’s start a conversation!

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